The Amerindian Studies Center (Centro de Estudos Ameríndios – CEstA) is a Research Support Center (Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa – NAP), linked to the Research Department of the Provost of Sao Paulo University (Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa – PRP). The purpose of the Center is to produce, develop, organize and disseminate knowledge about the indigenous peoples of the Americas. CEstA’s team is composed of researchers of different fields who are high-ranking specialists recognized both in Brazil and abroad, linked to the School of Philosophy, Languages and Humanities (FFLCH) (Departments of Anthropology and History); Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (MAE); Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB); and the Department of Computer Science of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME).
In short, CEstA’s purpose is to establish an interdisciplinary dialogue concerning relevant issues to the knowledge of the Amerindian peoples, contributing to a multidimensional reflection on the issue. Furthermore, CEstA also intends to provide subsidies for debates about public policies related to the Amerindian populations, especially those that are in Brazilian territory.
CEstA also has the mission of promoting such thought in the academic environment through events such as seminars, symposiums, lectures, and publications (digital magazine, newsletter, website and collections).
Lastly, the center promotes the training of students by introducing them to the circle of thematic discussions and to research techniques and practices (field, archaeological and document research).